"Throughout the ages, many men have claimed to have spoken to God. I find many, if not most, of these claims dubious, but clearly Kieran Hebden - aka Four Tet - has conversed with the divine. His show this past week at Le Poisson Rouge lived up to the glory that is his new album There Is Love In You, the set beginning and ending with its sublime debut track "Angel Echoes." This was my first Four Tet show so I wasn't sure what to expect, but it wasn't the meditative experience that makes up most of Rounds or Pause. While still including track breaks in the mix - which held the performance back from the dance ecstasy of a proper DJ, and I could have done without - Hebden took the audience for a tour through heavy, live remixed versions of some of his most club friendly material. Unfortunately this was, for the most part, lost on the shoe-gazing, IDM crowd that stood statuesque throughout the show. However this did not stop me, or those few others I want to thank personally, who rocked out as his set climaxed with the "As Serious As Your Life" a track that makes big claims, and backs them up."
- Code402b
♫ Four Tet - Love Cry (Joy Orbison Remix)
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